A Clutter Free Closet

Hey guys! With the new year, I’ve been trying my to declutter my closet. Having a clean closet feels amazing and leaves room for more clothes! I love clothes, so I’m constantly getting rid of and buying new clothes. If I wasn’t on top of cleaning out my closet, my wardrobe would probably become out of control.

At Pact, they believe that what we wear matters. That’s why they encourage having a sustainable wardrobe. Pact is a clothing company that creates comfy sustainable organic clothing without harming people or the Earth. Their mission inspired me to make this post.

I like to look through my closet every month or two to make sure I still want everything in there. I try to keep my wardrobe as minimal as I can. For me, this doesn’t mean having a small wardrobe. It means only having clothes that I like and actually wear. For example, I have quite a few pairs of similar looking leggings and sweatpants, but I wouldn’t get rid of any of them because I wear all of them.

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My tip is to look through your closet as often as you can find the time for. I would go through every piece of clothing and really think about if you want it. If you haven’t worn it in years or if you forgot you even had it, it’s probably time to let go.

Once you declutter your closet, it’s important to keep it decluttered. Something I do to keep my closet from having unnecessary items in it is to try not to buy clothes unless I really want them. Sometimes it’s tempting to buy something because it’s on sale, but, if it’s not something you would pay full price for, it’s probably not something you actually need or want. This is something I sometimes have trouble with because I love thrifting and buying weird clothing items because they’re cheap. I can’t even tell you how many $2 turtle necks I’ve brought home from Salvation Army. The one below is just one of many.

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Now that we know how to keep our wardrobe free of clutter, it’s time to think about making it more sustainable. The older I get, the more I try to pay attention to ethical fashion. Making sure your clothes are ethically sourced will naturally make a difference in the amount of clothing you keep.

I haven’t completely switched over to only ethical fashion, but I am trying my best. I think just making an effort to be more ethical is great. A good place to start is finding sustainable/ethical clothing brands to shop from. Click here for a list of 35 fair trade and ethical clothing brands.

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Another way to make your wardrobe more sustainable is to do more thrifting and less shopping from traditional stores. Thrifting not only saves you money, but it’s good for the environment. Reusing old clothing stops it from being thrown away or ending up in a landfill. It also doesn’t produce the emissions that come from manufacturing and shipping new clothing.

I hope you like my tips for keeping a more clutter free and sustainable wardrobe. It’s not always easy to declutter your closet, but getting started is the most important part. I hope this post inspires you to pay more attention to where your clothes comes from so you can be a more ethical shopper.

Thanks for reading!

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